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Competitive Advantage Case Study

Case Title:
North America's Largest Independent Oil & Gas Company, EnCana: Building Competitive Advantage through 'Unconventional' Means
Publication Year : 2005
Authors: Nusrath Jahan Maldar, Srinath Manda
Industry: Oil and Natural Gas
Region:North America
Case Code: CCA0015
Teaching Note: Not Available
Structured Assignment: Not Available
EnCana Corporation (EnCana) evolved from being a virtually unknown entity to North America's largest independent oil and gas company. Under the leadership of Chief Executive Officer, Gwyn Morgan, EnCana developed a strategy of focusing exclusively on extraction of ‘unconventional’ or difficult to bring out oil and gas at a time when 90% of the world's hydrocarbon needs were being met by conventional sources. Over the years, EnCana obtained the technology and expertise necessary to profitably develop unconventional sources of energy. The company also acquired substantial land resources making it the largest holder of land in the North American region. With the existing reserves of unconventional oil and gas estimated to be more than twice the amount of conventional sources, EnCana was poised to achieve Morgan's vision of becoming a ‘global super-independent’ oil major.
Pedagogical Objectives:
- To highlight the evolution of EnCana by building competitive advantage
Keywords : EnCana Corporation; Largest independent energy company; Alberta Energy Company; Growth expansion and reorganisation plan; Core Competency & Competitive Advantage Case Study; Unconventional oil exploration and discovery; PanCanadian Energy Corporation; Unconventional oil and gas energy resources; Acquisition and merger divestment sell-off; Proven oil and gas reserves; Competitive advantage; Focus on core operations; Global super-independent oil major; Oil and gas exploration rights; Takeover target and challenges; Rising oil prices OPEC resources
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